Savage 1 Here

Met this Guy in the Inner Core ... a Savage.
Wants to know if I really come from Earth!?
So I Said "Yes M8"
Nice fellows these Savages.

Comments 4

  • And you are sure he said that? For me it sound more like "do humans really taste like chicken?"

    • considering I am flying around in formation with him and some other savages while they are shooting at one another and not a shot anywhere near me, they took no interest it looked like a bail up of give me your cargo...come and get it if you can, they chased one of their own all over the place, think the guy in the picture is the one the others were after. That said if I had not shot all those Dom Kavash to newtralise all the IC aliens I would not even have seen the friendly little savage M8 you see here. Anyway I am going to end up hunting them eventually HOPING TO TURN A FEW OF THE into ROASTS !? would they even know what chicken is

    • Roasted Savage...sounds interesting. I wonder what Warrior tastes like :)

    • once one hunts Savages, Warriors and all will need to be tested...I want to try all their guns.