Kilrathi fighter Paktah

The Kilrathi Paktahn is similar to the Confederation Longbow by virtue of its torpedo attack capabilities. With multiple missile hardpoints and an impressive array of guns, this bomber can engage several fighters at once during a single run. With its six torpedo hardpoints, Paktahns are a Terran capship's worst nightmare. Its heavy armor and auxiliary guns make it dangerous to attacking fighters. Terran intelligence reports that Paktahns most often fly with Dralthi IV or Darket escorts.

Name Paktahn
Class Bomber
Length 37 meters
Max Velocity 340 k/s
Max Afterburner Velocity 600 k/s
Yaw/Pitch/Roll 35/40/35 deg/s
Beam Weaponry - (4) Plasma Gun, (2) Ion Cannon, (2) Mass Driver (turreted),
Default Missile Loadout - (3x2) Medium, (4x2) Medium, (3x2) Heavy
Missile Decoys 6
Shields 320 cm equiv.
Front/Rear Armor 140 cm
Right/Left Armor 180 cm
Jump Capable No