Confederation capship Yorktown-class

The Yorktown light carrier, designed more than fifty years before the Kilrathi War, is still proudly serving in the Navy. Constantly modernized and refitted to keep up with modern times, they are invaluable support to larger Confederation carriers. Though well shielded, the light carrier wields only defensive laser turrets and a capship missile launcher, counting on her four squadrons of fighters for protection.

The Kilrathi naval build-up of the past few years and the Confederations losses incurred during the Battle for Earth have forced these venerable light carriers into front line duty.

Noted carriers on the front include the Langley, Ticonderoga, Petrov, and the Victory.

Name Yorktown-class
Length 720 m
Phase Shields 3000 cm
Armor 1000 cm
Max Velocity 120 kps
Yaw/Pitch/Roll 5/5/5 dps
Spacecraft Complement - (40) Fighters and Bombers, (10) Shuttles and Utility Craft
Armament - (11) Heavy Laser Turret