Kilrathi light fighter Darket

The astoundingly quick Darket light fighter was designed for one purpose. They exist to use superior numbers, speed and maneuverability to overwhelm Confederation fighters. Individually lacking in shielding, armor and armaments, the agile Darket have been employed in the age old Kilrathi tradition of pack hunting with devastating results. Their small silhouettes also make the light fighter an excellent choice for scout and recon work.

Name Darket
Class Light Fighter
Length 24 meters
Max Velocity 520 k/s
Max Afterburner Velocity 1350 k/s
Yaw/Pitch/Roll 90/80/90 deg/s
Beam Weaponry - (2) Meson Blaster
Default Missile Loadout - (1x2) Medium
Missile Decoys 6
Shields 80 cm equiv.
Front/Rear Armor 60 cm
Right/Left Armor 40 cm
Jump Capable No