Confederation fighter Arrow

The current version of the versatile Arrow light fighter is a sleek, dangerous machine, definitely a pure dogfighter. Sporting superbly balanced weaponry for its small size, the F-27’s speed, maneuverability and low silhouette make the hard to hit craft a prime candidate for escort, fleet defense and reconnaissance missions. The fighter’s range and endurance also make it a competent choice for long patrols and sustained dogfights. A true pilot’s fighter, the Arrow, despite its light fighter armor and weaponry, is often preferred by many Confederation aces over the heavier Hellcat V.

Name F-27B Arrow
Class Light Fighter/Interceptor
Length 20 meters
Max Velocity 520 k/s
Max Afterburner Velocity 1400 k/s
Yaw/Pitch/Roll 80/90/90 deg/s
Beam Weaponry - (2) Laser Cannon, (2) Ion Cannon
Default Missile Loadout - (4x2) Light
Missile Decoys 16
Shields 200 cm equiv.
Front/Rear Armor 80 cm
Right/Left Armor 60 cm
Jump Capable No