Under mysterious lights

Comments 8

  • Lets call it "Aurora" :D

    • BTW:

      - I like the deep bass

    • Thing is, Aloy wouldn't know how to name them, probably. Its remarkable gameplay. You play from the standpoint of someone who knows so little about the world and yet is curious and desperately pursues the truth. Its so painful for the player to realize that they know the context of what she discovers as little bits from the old world, but that she couldn't really understand them, ever. She walks among the ruins of a civilization which knew what the stars and the aurora was, but she may never find out...

    • "someone who knows so little about the world and yet is curious and desperately pursues the truth", reminds me of another certain character... Though, belay that, that character knows plenty and eventually learns more.

    • Who ? :P Sylens ?

    • No, Number 9 Type S. Though I was wrong since he does know a lot about the world. But he's quite hungry for knowledge still, and eager to share what he has learned with his fellows. Well, aside for two particular details.

      And this dissonance of character not really understanding the context of what they see from the "old world" while player/reader/etc can realize it perfectly is actually rather commonplace for post-apocalyptic works. I remember also getting such vibes from Metro 2033 (both the game and the book) and Last Light.

      Speaking of Last Light, the little Dark One with his curiosity about humanity can also count. In fact he's a straighter example since he actually knows very little about the civilization on ruins of which he grows up.