IOC IC Operation 2013-11-16 14

Introductory Note In support of the recent Inner Core Expedition #2569 successfully performed by Silver Arrows™ commander Hanzo Hasashi, a decision was made to fortify human positions in Jormdar system using the temporary disorder of alien fleets in the area. Additional strategic advantage over enemy forces will be guaranteed by utilizing the new technology, a product of IOC™ leading xeno-researcher Lexx and his countless attempts to collaborate with the mysterious dwellers of Kavash Arc in Banysia. The so-called "Dom'Kavash device" (its true name is classified) works as a jumpgate inhibitor: being deployed at a Dom'Kavash jumpgate, it prevents any ships hostile to Dom'Kavash race from using that gate. Three devices placed simultaneously on all three jumpgates in Jormdar will cut off all enemy reinforcements, thus making it easier to defeat the remaining alien forces inside the system. Mission Objectives ensure the safety of technicians who are responsible for inhibitor placement deploy DK devices at all jumpgates in Jormdar system crush any alien resistance in the area submit inhibitor test results to Lexx's computer at Mirtrrak Battle Station Mission Scenario Technicians depart from Weth carrying a number of DK devices while the main squad starts from Omega-3. Two groups meet in Jormdar; technicians immediately lock Mepther gate after the jump and head for the main squad's current location. Joint team proceeds to the remaining jumpgates, annihilating all alien forces on the way. When all gates are locked, we search for random alien patrols while slowly advancing to Mepther jumpgate. As soon as Mepther jumpgate is reached, we leave Jormdar system and go to Weth at full throttle, engaging only when necessary.