IOC Operation in IC 2013-07-02 9

(IOC) Intelligence Agency is "testing new weapons" against Alien Motherships, and some new "chemical mixtures" against Aliens. Last testet "new weapons" and "chemical mixtures" was not succesful. Goal: Expedition goal is to terminate as many Motherships as possible. Successful expedition terminates at least 5 Motherships. Drops the "chemical mixtures" in Alien presence and record what happens. Route: O-3, Inner Core, Venn, Celldra, Pyrddra, Mepther, Ryssk and Weth. Participants coming from Weth, will have to find us :) Bring: Dreadnought, Battleship, Destroyer, Cruiser, Gunboat, Repairship, Bomber, Fighter or Freighter 8| Bringing ammo/supplies is highly recommended - Nemesis, Catalyst missiles, Sunslayer torpedoes, adv. cm etc. - Non-fighters can carry extra.