War with Thargoids

Major powers foolishly decided to follow mysterious individual called Salvation in his attempt to completelly eliminate Thargoids race in one single blow using adaptation of guardian_'s tech. However at the end this attempt has completelly failed ... Thargoids did not only survive this xenocide attack, but they were also able to use the adaptated guardian_'s tech against humans. One whole system was turned into secured thargoids area where all guardian_'s tech started to fall apart. Humans there did not only lost the abilty to use theirs most effective anti-thargoid tech, they now also had to face a very aggressive response of Thargoids to any kind of human presence.

And this was just the beginning ... shortly after the Thargoids have started a full scale war against humans which are now losing populated systems on a large scale ...

For more information look here: Information: AX Combat - War
