Freeport 7 Nomad Hunt

Hello pilots,

a new Nomad threat has been detected near the X-3043 system.
They are currently invading the Freeport 7 system with large groups of nomad fighters.
Fighter wings from the authorities have already been dispatched to deal with the threat but they have requested backup.
We will meet in Arena at 21:00 server time and liberate the Freeport 7 system from the Nomad invasion
We will send in 2 groups of Very Heavy Fighters to deal with the Nomads.
Points will be awarded for looted Nomad guns.

Good luck and see you in space!
Ps. Arena sells cheap Very Heavy Fighters if you don't have one yet and guns are available from storage

Comments 2

  • Aaaand : It's an event for everybody, also newcommers. All you need is a Very Heavy Fighter :) like the cheap Eagle, Sabre or Titan.

    • we also have some spare nomad guns stored in arena, taken from nomads during earlier encounters, those guns are up to the job