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  • Okay, I've been playing this 'ere kickass mod for a week now and I'm thinking, as always "mayhap I can find a decent texturer guy/gal who can make my dream of piloting me own fighter come true"... well, the only problem is, what I started as a fighter turned into a TRAIN: Not that I'm displeased with results... this baby, which I call "Mongoose" (lol, tiny rodent), has a somewhat Antonov-in-space feeling to it - big, bulky, able to carry a lot from point A to point B and stay in one piece, that…
  • (Quote from Skariah)Thank you, kind lady! Now, if I could only figure out how to send messages and attach ZIP files to them... drat What I had in mind for the looks of this thing is somehting simplistic, yet shiny - everyone loves shiny, I bet people who fly trains would love something like this: The only problem is, I didn't use MAX in a loooong time and I got to re-learn even how to re-apply materials.
  • Made that fighter! Unfortunately, due to my obsession with smooth edges and dependability from AutoCAD... this model has over 44 thousand polygons. No compromises when it comes to light fighters, maneuverability, firepower or smooth edges.
  • Well, since Unwrap UVW repeatedly made my ATI Radeon... go berzerk (that's the closest I can describe what happened last ten times) I've applied materials and did the UV mapping the only way I know how - directly. I've also managed to tone down the number of polys a bit (under 23k now), and here's what it looks like now: Note that the protrusions in the front, on the lower part of the cabin, aren't for flight controls - they are actyally PYLONS, for 2 class 10 weapons each (top and bottom surfa…
  • Made an effort to cut down poly count to something reasonable (for low-detail smooth objects); last thing I made out of jealousy** has just over 3300 polygons but after some work I've cut it down to under 1400. It looks a lot bulkier than I thought it would, ironically. ** asfor the jealousy bit - I've downloaded the Shattered Worlds mod some time ago, and I fell flat on my butt when I saw the "Warmonger" ship model, that looks a lot like Vengeance, but even slimmer and more streamlined. To be …