Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 21.

  • Not enough links on here lol, so here are some more with videos and the like. I've backed this as it's a crime if it doesn't get finished, thankfully DB has the funding and is getting on with it. All hail the godfather of 3D space sims, don't ever forget this is the man who started it all with his university buddy Ian Bell, who now breeds burmese cats lol Main Website: Elite: Dangerous [video][/video] [video][/video] Pay close attent…
  • One of the features i was reading about which i quite liked, was the fact your ship displays damage as it gets older, dents and scratches, and the paint fades and other cosmetic nonsense like that. I like the idea of your new shiny ship looking all beaten up if you don't service it lol
  • Some more new videos some of you might have missed. [video][/video] Of more interest is the fact that Elite Dangerous has started the alpha phase, consisting of various modules that players can stress test. Currently the combat module is up for testing with six missions to try out various combat options. Early reports are very good, stable, and lag free. [video][/video]
  • Same as me, still good to see the game progressing nicely, with what so far seems to be well built and bug free, Can't ask for more really.
  • Yet more info uploaded by Frontier a few days ago explaining the alpha process and how it's going to work in Elite Dangerous. [video][/video]
  • Have to agree with you there OP. The way Elite is being made and tested is very well thought out from what i can see. I'll be joining in the testing soon myself, bought beta level access, but from what i've read so far, it's a series of modules that players get to test, these will be bolted together for beta, and if it all works, it gets released. When this is all done, extra stuff gets added down the line like, landing and walking around on planets and other stuff. Least the guys at Frontier a…
  • Collectors box edition is heading my way on release, already paid for Be aware if you want future addons, it will set you back £35 more, this will get you all the addon stuff they release, and you never have to pay a bean again. For £20 you only get the digital download iirc
  • 1.1 Alpha released Alpha Phase 1.1 includes the following in addition to the 1.0 content:• A selection of stereoscopic 3D support options added- Oculus Rift- Side-by-side 3D rendering for use with 3D TVs / monitors- Anaglyph rendering: old school Red/Cyan rendering for those without Oculus Rift or a 3D TV but with some vintage red/cyan glasses• Track IR support added• Dashboard brightness option added• Improved build stability• Assorted improvements from Alpha feedback Definite progress if you …
  • As a backer of both, at the present time i can't really argue with the sentiments expressed so far. ED is clearly looking good, i will be interested to seethe next few alphas so that i can see where they are going with the game. It seems to be by all the indications and noises coming out of Frontier Developments, more in line with the original Elite than the games that came after. All the systems and planets are procedurally generated, looking forward to that, there is a pseudo newtonian flight …
  • [video][/video] New MULTIPLAYER ALPHA has started, first video from last night when it went live, looks very yummy
  • Alpha 3.0 - Docking
  • Clearly David Braben has been reading too much Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy recently. Having said that, that style seems to fit the game, just have to see. Their production work is coming along nicely and more or less on schedule. Yet to see anything useful from the SC camp, even if they do have over $40 million now.
  • Yet another development video
  • Latest video from David Braben on the progress of Elite Dangerous [video][/video]
  • ED has now entered the PREMIUM BETA stage, meaning you pay to test it before the standard beta testers have a go like me. Now here's what annoys me so apologies for a rant as it's not aimed at anyone here. Why do some people bother playing games that are in a test phase? The Frontier forum, makers of ED, has gone bananas with some players saying this doesn't work and that feature is bugged and so on. Of course it is, it's a damn beta, these things happen. One guy even wanted his money back beca…
  • Tasks aren't being set which is personally how i would test and i still test even today. There's a bug report button if something happens and that's that. Not good enough imho. I can't moan as i get in on the next phase, by then most of the issues will be sorted hopefully. I can't test when i'm surrounded by an armada of morons with no clue what TESTING actually means. BTW if you need testing help with CF 2.0, let me know
  • [video][/video] The mighty Anaconda, excellent vid showing off some more features of a large trade ship in game
  • New trailer from the E3 show [video][/video]
  • [video][/video] Yet more eye candy. Word is out now that STANDARD BETA will commence 29th of July, which is an impressive date considering the funding and time it's taken to make. Most on the Elite forum suspect release will be in September to mark the 30th anniversary of Elite.
  • Big day in the 'verse regarding Elite Dangerous. Today it goes standard beta. What does that mean i hear you ask? Well it means if you bought a copy when it was first announced on kickstarter, you can play the standard beta version NOW!!! 55 systems have been opened up, many features are now active. Bear in mind this is NOT the full release , but even so, plenty to test and play with. WOOT!!!! Frontier Developments now have a new website for Elite Dangerous, everything you want to know about th…