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  • Wing Commander: Saga is another WC project that has been under development for several years now. While the first three campaigns are almost done, they are not being released until all the details are worked out. My initial feelings towards this project was that there were a few areas that had lackluster performance, such as no way to skip through mission intro chats and no remapping the keyboard, but with the promise that such things would be included later, and with the easy modification of c…
  • I've played the Prologue campaign 4 times, each of the addon missions about a dozen or so times, and I've tinkered with FRED to make my own, primitive skirmishes. I am terrible at modding so even with the FRED tutorial's help I struggle with it. Tolwyn is very good with this stuff and explaining features, but I am not. It was not my intention to misrepresent anything. I called it a demo because that's what I view a Prologue to be, but maybe I'm wrong. You can skip the briefings yes, but not the…
  • Just played this last night. The cutscene movies from WC4 added in were a nice touch. The zip file was still reasonably small and the campaign provides a lot of entertainment. My only regret is having to use torpedoes in the last mission - I was always one who prefered to disable the engines with Leech weps to spare the crew. Favorite ship was the Banshee - the high refire on the lasers and the hull-smashing Stormfire seem to make for enjoyable dogfighting against any kind of fighter. Tolwyn ha…