Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Because if my timezone, I get late from work from monday to saturday and since I wont have available a new laptop until christmas I could not help on weekdays. But sure I could help on saturday. Sincerely, RG PS:Besides the event manager, i think we should have 1 vocal for each event just in case one of the event manager could not make it to the event (this is just a suggestion)
  • ehhh...

    Any news on the events and who were assigned... Sincerely, RG
  • OK, I take the assault event...I baldwin and could get online thursday or friday to sort out the to you soon Sincerely, RGHawk PS: Who won the event today???
  • We should start posting separate threads on each event where people go, get the rules and everything need to know and finally they sign in for the event. Eventhough, more people could sign in, in space, on the same day of the event. I have some question about the assault event, plus is Baldy going to be available?? because you need 2 guys to do it (on on each team side) Anyway, I will be on late nite... See you in space RG PS: by the way, who was the winer again????? PS2: thanks, I check battle…