Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • I would like the opertunity to help with the events that have been listed i am free any week day
  • i would like to help with any week day event espechily the trade assault
  • good event yesterday some very skilled fighting N1 to all @wavy what are the rules for the trade assault? has it been held before if so what was the format? if you want me to come up with something from scratch i will have the propsition ready by 5pm GMT today and i will PM you and baldwin or op because you guys have the experiance with events to see if my ideas will work @everyone i would apprechiate anyones input with this
  • ok ive came up with a plan for a trade assault event i will run it past wavey and op to see what they think i used baldwins asf csf trade battle event as a template the only problem is its gonna take some organising because to really make it spechial i need a reasonble amount of particpants hopfully 15+ im not sure if thats unrealistic for a friday night though i also will need 2 maybe 3 volunters to be adjudicaters to keep a score. but if it all works out it will be a fantasic event with aspec…