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  • Add Afk timer in Arena to kick after 1h and fix the problem atleast partially?That's why Discovery has 50+ players and Crossfire 5, so sad. their RP is more refined and not so destructive.I even had more fun playing in Discovery while breaking all possible rules and ENJOYED IT but thats different topic
  • you see? people are wanting changes. the time has come!people are leaving and are proving my point. RP needs some serious refining!Mayday Mayday
  • (Quote from Anatta)Now who's forcing who?
  • No point in discussing this any more. you MUST listen to US (the player base). We make the server spinning and working, and eventually donations come (money money money)I wont play in this server anymore, I want some action and there isn't. what is left are only ass-lickers and not thinking straight humans.Discovery > CF all day long. nuff said.When the people there have an idea, the developers listen. when developers here don't listen, players leave. period.
  • And all I see is a stubborn German who thinks he knows better, but the results speaks for themselves:Discovery: 50+ (fun, money, glory)CF: 5 ( rip, void, silence )I speak only with the facts. facts speak for themselves
  • I speak for the people which are complaining here. I have red the forum and know what "RP" currently is.but speaking won't change anything, we need changes. WE DEMAND changes.
  • - Roleplay.TAKE DISCOVERY AS AN EXAMPLE! easy and simple. Go undercover if you want, but that's the gold might even like it there while playing it.
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)Of course, since mods and admins kick them for stupid reasons...(Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)In every possible game i know, arena IS PVP zone, if there were PvE elements, yeah.The other stuff are chewing old discussed stuff, so yeah.. I'm too lazy to repeat myselfAlso my time is too precious and i'm doing you even a favor replying to this topic. Good luck
  • Why are the other people playing different games and are not in your server? Have you ever thought of that?