Search Results

Search results 1-16 of 16.

  • Hi. Is there any information about how to go system to system ? For example trying to go in inner core system from Altair, cant find shit... I find it hard to know or get these information. And for sure for the one who will tell me to play the SP campaign i only play on the server for the moment. Thanks.
  • (Quote from (IOC)Wanderer) Ok and why on the New HK map the jump hole to inner core is not shown ? very nice .............. So if someone try to get this info >>> cant just cant at all. I mean what i mean, how to fucking get for example to sirius to sol or else buddy..... Sometime info area easy to get when but its not always easy. This show hyperspace then inner core so for me if i want to go in inner core i need first to go in hyperspace , well thats what the map show me actually, but no fuck…
  • (Quote from zimtonix) Voila fokin hell that is helpfull ! Thanks !
  • (Quote from ringotwin) Thanks a lot, but for example i where not able to find that information about the jump gate in new HK .... And btw E 2 show shit.... About the hypergate in omega 3 well didnt finf any info too about that... Am alright about the ancients so i will be able to get there without problem.bandicam 2019-05-05 00-23-06-316.jpg
  • For me i follow the map its a map, a map tell you how to get to a point A to B but its not always the case. Hyperspace to inner core when i look the map it show me that i need to get to hyperspace first then inner core but no. So googling time loosing time how to get inner core from hyperspace no result for sure, trying other stuff same no result, i get mad its normal. And new HK E2 show shit, how this can help someone ? But ill write that one down for later and omega 3 one too ! If i want to g…
  • (Quote from zimtonix)inner core i mean.
  • (Quote from (IOC)Wanderer) No problem, so it make the map useless if you follow the map but cant go where you want to go. You should be able to go where you want to go just by following the map. (after there are jump gate/hole but you need to know these information that are not always easy to get.) YEsterday night i have been with Goinn to Hyperspace in Altair kicking some DK ship to get DK loot. Departure from Gurm, so again and here all works good. Gurm hieron jokuska or i dont know what name…
  • (Quote from zimtonix) There is sirius sector, altair, sol, inner core and canis, and to get to one from another is not always easy. Going sol from sirius you need to know that all start from Dublin Hyperion then sol... Getting THESE information are on this forum even on google, pain in the ass.
  • (Quote from (IOC)Wanderer) There are some people here that just ignore the question you ask them, i hate people who you communicate something but just ignore you. A correct communication is something that goes A to B then B to A but some people just dont care about that. A simple guide pined on top of the forum that indicate all way to go sector to sector would be in my humble baguette opinion, very usefull. Now i know that if i want to acess inner core i need to go in new HK... or at least ome…
  • (Quote from zimtonix) I didnt start the SP atm and wont before end of year. Its worth getting info from your self that for sure, but i where not able to know how to get in inner core so ad no choice to post here and ask. There are on the server also some people that will help you, but not so much. They will tell me to look the wiki what i do, and i dont always get the info on the wiki. ..........
  • (Quote from (IOC)Wanderer)Not everybody can answer right away. Just try to be patient (or ask somebody else). Ho waill i think i cant way for eternity and will never get a response from the people in question. There is no such guide because nobody asked about it until you So here i am i guess........ If you want to attract new player for CF mod, these stuff should be less difficult to get.
  • (Quote from zimtonix) At first i needed to get use of this website, forum are not my stuff and will never be, but WE are a community a place where we can regroup. So ok about that, then i needed to know how to use the wiki its good now, + needed to understand how to find coordinates, for example yesterday we went with Goinn kicking some DK ass for anihilator loot, we made it easy, all info where writen up on my paper, just ad to read and follow the coordinates, but about system to system, not s…
  • (Quote from denne) Yeah i am a mother foker lazy french cunt baguette spending more then an hours to find something that can be find on the FORUM WIKI MOD fucking website and all that without result. Cant find the right tone when am spending more then an hours searching with no result on the site mod and then being called a lazy fuckt. Btw did i say i will play the SP campaign end of year ? ho yeah i did ! Asshole. Alright time to sleep here.
  • (Quote from <C>LancelotOnCrack) My comment was full sarcastic, i cant accept being called a lazy fuckt especially when i try to search info that should be there on swat portal + google for more then an hours. Btw [|DP|] denne is one of these person that will tell you to look at the wiki when you ask him a question on the server. ( how to make player leaving a mod and never come back ) dont help new player at all. And this guy is moderator here ? rofl. Alright everything is said, no more p…
  • (Quote from denne) Yes you where so nice with me to tell me to look at the wiki when i ask you a question on the server rofl. u got two warnings now, be careful with your words. Are you kidding me ? Am searching info for more then an hours but YOU call me a lazzy guy. End of the discussion here.
  • (Quote from Martind Forlon)I am going to make a last reply on this forum then i am going to fully ignore it so read this or not i dont care i tell what i need to tell and basta, no need to respond me as i wont even take the time to read anything from this post or somewhere else too, So yes i do use Sectors & Systems - SWAT Portal am not stupid, its say no where that you have to go in new HK to find inner core and same for omega III, but if you find this information i would be happy to read/see …