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  • When ever I try to do the first mission I fly out into space, meet with King.. (had an issue where the prison ship instantly died but that only happened once) fly off to find the bandit hideout, get a distress call from "beta 4" no matter what I try I can't keep him alive before he dies? Wanted to play the SP too but it seems I am bugged and screwed to progress further than the first mission?
  • (Quote from Martind Forlon)I'm not sure you understand my problem, I'm not the one dying. but NPC "beta 4" is causing me to lose the mission and have to reload. I haev tried several times to get lucky and for them to survive enough. I can literally stop and tank them but the beta 4 NPC starts with half hull and no shields..
  • (Quote from /V\ichael) (Quote from /V\ichael)going to reinstall and retry will keep you updated.. hopefully it fixes things
  • well reinstalling fixed this, I did reinstall to a different drive too just to be sure. before I could kill 2 rogues with near 100% accuracy before it died, now i could just sit and watch, it took some dmg but only splash dmg i guess? Also the part after the in the gas cloud I accidentally was shooting king like crazy I burned through a ton of his shield bots but wonder why this "stupid enemy" wouldnt die. before I could kill NPCs so something certainly wasnt right, thanks again everyone for yo…
  • to clarify things, no matter how fast you tried to kill them in my current corrupted install it was NOT possible. Also the NPC's couldn't die, I checked this and just sat and watched them as for MP, I may come on just need to resharpen my skills and get this SP campaign done
  • (Quote from RayOK)I won't be I tried the mission at least 7 times before making an account on here to seek for help, since then I tried a few other mods but wanted a good SP campaign to get back into FL again Also might be able to make myself alittle loot map of wrecked ships I used to love finding them in the original, without help of pre-finished maps of course