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  • Little question.Is will be in 1.9 change with BS...with their control?1.make them more they like the styrofoam...too light...each little stone makes them to jump(perk up)...this is too hard some times (like in the corridor system) =\2.correct information about BS in game was write that coalition turels are have more damage than rheinland but in test with BS - rheinland more powerful than coalition.Rheinland turels powerfull more than 3 times than coalition. We check…
  • is it real to provide in game some option like a ship painting?like the clan can choose the color or image of he will be black...or red...or black in white stripe. Not only standart color. or like option for clan or their ships.this is will be fantastic looks in game. if escort of clan ships will be have different color of others ships...their clan color =)thanks somethin like that:
  • it does not matter need for speed or not not need for speed. I think is there only 3 ways: 1.The idea is not realizable2.The idea is good3.The idea is bad.I think(if that can provide) this is can stimulate players to take official clans and systems. And a game will be more role... Question for OP:is in 1.9 will be change some thin like: that that Corsairs NOT have wyrm,and flying on not their ships(or give for them and only for them 2 - 3 ships)...and police have wyrm...will it provide more cat…