Search Results

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  • After mostly lurking these forums i guess its time to say kudos too.I played freelancer alot - recently X3-XTC, but got kinda dissapointed of the early release. Then i checked the mod section for freelancer again - imho nothing can compare to the space-fight feeling of it and again i ended up here Therefore im eagerly awaiting the release of 1.9 with a "pimped" singleplayer and the changes im reading about are realy great *thumbs up*! Edit: wow, didnt thought i never posted since my account cre…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)*searching my slave drums and spiked whips*dum dum dum dum dum *whip* keep rowing coding *whip* dum dum dum nothing beats some motivation music and a good spank, am i right!? woohoo 2nd post... okok i stop that now
  • It prolly wont count for much - coming from a "new guy"but the changes do read most most impressive - keep your head up/spirit high/take your breaks <but only if unavoidable ;)>Cant wait to play it *thumbs up*