Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 24.

  • This thread in for announcing Upcoming Changes and not to throw in new ideas... Please use the proper thread to make your propositions.
  • (Quote from Patrolman) lol . i got a prescription for you OP : 2 times a day, 4 at breakfast and 4 at night before sleep... should keep your blood pressure low and head cool against this spreading "whenwillitbereadysis" pendemic i know you can handle it well but the joke was not so bad was it ?
  • Well, go take a walk , check the punani section all over again and look at everyone who will cheer for you m8 !!! don't worry they will come... Keep it up Chris !!!!!
  • Cmon OP. that MUST HAVE motivated you !!!! ROFL Faaby....
  • i might not have understood but you can be sure i don't take a shower with anyone of you... unless it's faaby...
  • Chris, have we slept together since the past 8 months ? No eh... That's what i thought... not the same person! Faaby is not OP but she is divinely gifted too, just not in the the modding area..... Back to topic....... there was "wishlist for 1.9" thread started by Bond, should i move it over here ?
  • woot a pre-alpha version !!! ships ships we need ships... damn i need inspiration for those capships.... in fact no, i need to put what i clearly got in mind on my computer screen... (always had that problem when drawing... the picture is great in my mind but terrible on the paper :P) I got kusari and liberty done in my mind and 25% of the liberty done in the modeling tool... i also got schematics of a Sirius-class Battleship in mind but that is another story...
  • Nomad missions ???? like they will invade Sol and we need to defend ???!!!! Silver Arrrows launching patrols
  • that's also how it echos my empty head space....
  • money back, no. But it will be appreciated to give a proper week warning before the release of 1.9 so we get the time to turn our capships into PatriotLF to avoid corruption...
  • Smuggler have Osiris-class BS... police too... pirates too... mercs too... Stop claiming the game is not balanced i'm so tired of it... Make friends, alliances, that will help you gather more ships than your opponents... Life is not fair so is not CF. If the criminals are strong, Police need to take their obese butts off their coffee-shop stool and start fining/shooting smugglers and pirates... Instead of complaining of an unbalance, make RP out of it : Crime is on the rise police forces must u…
  • oh my apologies Husker... i kinda imagined a complaint about balance but indeed, nothing in your comment was intended at criticizing the current balance indeed.... i might have been a little on edge (everytime i see the word "balance" i see a crisis ahead where ppl will start to argue and i freak out...) Anyway my comment remains but it is no longer addressed to you
  • havent the capship/trains new stats been posted publicly a few weeks ago ??? with new cargo limits and hull strenght ???
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) well good thing i have not posted it here then
  • (Quote from Vishnu)
  • did you ever hear my Juni imitation ? I can help if you want, i'm kinda good imitating voices, i got good german accent if you want me to play Von Claussen (in case we see him again in the new missions)
  • any "easter eggs" hidden in 1.9 ?
  • can we get a showcase of the cursors look please ?
  • not that again... No.
  • one step at a time we'll reach the release ! Glad you liked the "supplies" name proposal for that commodity