Search Results

Search results 1-3 of 3.

  • Bigger feature: A way to change the "options" (style, particle colour, Juni's/Trent's outfit, intro music, etc. ...) easier, than deleting everything and reinstall the whole mod.There is a mod out there, can't remember it's name atm - TNG ? Rebalance ? - where you can do this from FLModManager. It has two programms to install to FLMM, the mod itself and a kind of "starter program, where you have to select your options.That way you can change styles, outfits etc. quite easy, since the "main mod"…
  • Yeah ! Fastest engine of the whole CF-Universe with no-cruisespeed-buildup-lag, almost unlimited power (well, not really, but enough power not to be used up on firing all your guns for a REALLY long time). But that's what an admin needs to test out alien races and eventually server-rulebreakers.
  • (Quote from SA_ARROW)