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  • Some questions on that : What about Coalition and Coalition Rogues ?What about all the civilian factions :DSE, Interspace, BMM, GMG (the "vanilla" faction as well as the "special CF" faction)etc., etc., .... and more general : will these settings be "fixed" in the sense, that "reputational work" like bribes or killing other factions (like killing xenos becoming > better with almost everybody else)will NOT have an impact on your reputation anymore ? What happens when you dismount your licence ? …
  • @ Martind (Quote)From RP-context it would look more consistent, if police-RP would be lowered to -0,65 on pirate factions.That would give them in pirate npc infested systems (i.e. the X-systems, the omegas, ...) similar disadvantages. (Quote)Could be "fixed" by the suggestion above - at least partially - by giving police-RP similar disadvantages in certain systems.Also :What about hiring a trader or smuggler for getting needed components ? (Quote)Dunno, but I think that would apply only for ONE…
  • @ Huor In a way it would make the gameplay really something new....worth restarting a"brand new life" with new chars @ OP Then , ... if set to -0,295, FINE,only the prob of a dozen npc's shooting CDs left and the shooting while docking/undocking.(Well, something we should be used too due to experiances with DK Gunboats in Coalition-space, shouldn't we ?
  • @Martind (Quote)COULD work if combined with cargo transfer :Smuggler/merc delivers stuff to a certain point, employer "takes" cargo via transfer and delivers it to the clan base.Perhaps a bit complicated but would work for "normal" goods - but not for containers, I assume.
  • In the opening thread it's stated (Quote)Would it be possible for the team - or some "testers" - to test it in advance - somehow ?Not the server setting on the whole, like "fixed setting" against "ranged setting", butjust to get a feeling, how it is to fly, fight and trade with such a set of reputation settings ? btw : I would also vote for YESBRING IT ON
  • @ Kalisie (Quote)That way we would have a true new, fith RP-role with a "speciality" of its own : Freelancing Trader The one who can go everywhere, get everything (goods, "special equipment") beside BMGsanddeliver it everywhere -> a new "role" @OP (Quote)hmm, but that wouldn't have much on an impact on gameplay compared to how it is atm.One would get the license, "work" his reputation until neutral and, ... that's it. Gameplay would be just the same as it is right now, wouldn't ? ...beside that…
  • ... that would "bust" the effect this feature would have, which is exactly that :limiting the freedom to travel - "unharrased" - by certain npc factions,which would be an enrichment fpr RP - IMHO. Sry to be so neagtive about this compromise. Unfortunatly I don't have a clever idea yet, how to "balance" it.
  • Good point, SilverFox (Quote)The "interaction" with npc's only takes place when :you're FRIENDLY -> they fight for you against other npc's, that are hostile to youyou're HOSTILE -> you're KOS for them and their previously about you neutral alliesyou're NEUTRAL, npc's react according to their allies (see above) Dunno, perhaps it is possible to change this npc behavior ?like : shooting at you ONLY if you actually killed (as kind of a trigger) one of their allies ? That would leave you with only t…
  • Question about a scenario : Im on patrol as police-RP (friendly to Rheinland Police and Rheinland Military, +0,6 or better) i.e. in Hamburg.A pirat-PR, who managed to become negative-neutral (somewhere between -o.59 and -0.01) to Rheinland Police and Rheinland Military comes after me, perhaps somewhere around Battleship Westphalen.We start fighting. Will the Rheinland Police/Rheinland Military forces fight this pirat-RP player ?
  • About this "hidden GMG"-stuff : Does a players affiliation have an effect on gameplay AT ALL ??All I can think of is that it determines if another player I met somewhere in space is shown in red, white or green on my HUD and target list, according to the reputation I have with the faction he is affiliated to.
  • Ah, thought so. Well, then first : Huor : We really appreciate the work you've done. I hope you don't take our "lamenting" about this and that detail as an offense.THX a lot for the clarification about what this new feature can do and for this feature at all. (Btw : There's "0", "1", and "3".Is there also a "2" setting ?)And all the factions NOT "set" by this feature are free for unlimited "reputational" work. I like the idea of a bit more npc envolvement also into RP and clanning, as - I think…
  • (Quote)LOLWhat "partners" do you take with you for farming ? Other than that : (Quote) btw : nice "trick" about keeping frags
  • @ KalisieProb lies here for the EMs to "find" a proper system for event or "route of systems".Most likely will be solved after 1 - 3 attempts, when getting used to this feature. @ MartindLooking forward for your article. About Huor and this thread here :I think the "hard work" is done. He has explained how the feature works and that's it.No further coding to be demanded.But due to the "delicate" nature, no easy changing after activated, we were asked if it should be activated andto make suggest…
  • depends on the settings finally choosen for this feature : with all the "mayor" npc factions at neutral - even when low - as suggested so farin some cases for some players it might be interesting to get such a "quick" neutral rep-fix. But as Silverfox already said : (Quote)I , personally, WOULD consider it minor.
  • (Quote from Huor) at the 1st :Does this means, the reputation you had BEFORE you mount a license will be restored when you unmount it ? at the 2nd :Does this means, wearing a clan tag without the proper license the server will "fine" you automatically ?
  • @ 1Then it's the "mechanism" Silerfox referred to, that some players might see a possibility for a quick rep-fix.But as OP said : veeeery questionable gain @2WOW, now you really choose a "FATE" becomming a clan member
  • A notification WHEN this feature will be enabled again would be nice - perhaps a day or two in advance so that players, who might have .... overseen this yet can act accordingly... and as a try to prevent probable upsets in its aftermath