Search Results

Search results 1-10 of 10.

  • Sup, guys, I know it's a been a while since I've been here, but seeing how much I've gotten into drinking beer, I can't help but make this thread. I just had one of these bad boys, an Oskar Blues Ten FIDY Imperial Stout: Best beer from a can EVER! Also the most expensive beer from a can I've ever had, at $8 a two-pack. Anyone else enjoying some good beer right now?
  • (Quote from Spiky-) ORLY? Ball's in your court, guy.
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) In Search Of: Fucking Hell FlascheFor Trade: MY SOUL
  • I'm going to Fredericksburg, Virginia tomorrow, and I'm gonna see if I can find one of these bad boys at Total Wine & More:
  • (Quote from Husker) ITT promoting American beer to Europeans: This one's actually pretty to easy to find in your neck of the woods (I think? All I know is that Flying Dog is one of the most popular American breweries in Europe). If nothing else, Michael, get it for the label.
  • (Quote from Michael) You're from Spain, right? Flying Dog does distribute there, I do believe. Just wondering Michael, have you ever even had an IPA (India Pale Ale) before? 'Cause Raging Bitch wouldn't exactly be a great place to start...
  • (Quote from Michael) Wouldn't be a bad idea (Quote from Husker) Founders Breakfast Stout or GTFO!
  • (Quote from Spiky-) You, of course, have had Founders Breakfast Stout before, and think it sucks, right?
  • (Quote from Spiky-) Not all American beer is Bud/Miller/Coors garbage...just to let you know
  • Okay, here's one style I'll concede the Americans can't pull off like the Germans can: the Hefeweizen. Namely: Amazing beer.