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  • I'd like to point out something (imo a very obvious observation) - when CF 1.8 first came out in January there were absolutely no missile tracking problems, however, the server was crashing often... and this remained until either 1.81 or 1.82; now it is the other way around again like in 1.7. Missile tracking is horrible and even after a server restart it takes roughly 30 minutes for the missiles and CD's to zigzag around again so yeah I guess the option is; awesome missile tracking with quite …
  • well some people on this server indeed seem to have magical missiles... always been like this and hasen't changed since 1.7 (can't remember how it was prior to that) and a volley of 4 missiles and torp can indeed kill you in one shot... Para is usually faster than other missiles so thats the one who hits first... the other three already do lots of damage to the hull so if you are unlucky and get hit by a sunslayer afterwards you're gone of course that only happens if you are too lazy to evade ;…