Search Results

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  • Lol Poland hasn't scored against Germany since 1980 We kicked out Portugal with our B Mannschaft in the WM and will do the same in the EM Tonight will be the best game so far Netherlands - Italy YAY oh btw did I mention [SIZE=4]THAT I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL?[/SIZE]
  • COME ON!!! A bit more enthusiastic mister OP !! I've spent 12 years waiting for a piece of paper! YAY w00000000000000000000000t
  • :[ Internationale Deutsche Schule Brüssel (mit einem "Exzellente Auslandsschule" Siegel verzeichnet... bitte!) And I meant the Abitur thingy piece of paper where your marks are written down! Oh but I wouldn't mind a pink pen please! And a beer from Op