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Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • If you take a magic lamp and rub it vigorously, then wishes be granted. Maybe you will be faster with this... ?
  • Are you talking about the launcher or the game itself?
  • I could try to set its affinity to use all cores that are available if that shall help. Never did this before but googled a bit about that topic and code wise its possible... However that requires an update of the launcher when it turns out to work...
  • Just tested it. The launcher uses all cores that are available. The game itself too. As long as i dont dock or undock. Seems something else resets the affinity when these events occur. Its not the launcher but must be something else. Either its a plugin or something else i am not aware of. Adjusting the affinitry from the launcher on seems to work but doesnt change the fact that something in the game itself resets the affinity back to one core
  • But it should reset once you dock or undock. So not sure if this should work.
  • Cause it might be detected as timer cheat if the game runs faster than expected. If you feel you are kicked more often this could be a reason