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  • The 2015 Winter Event will offer a brand new starship requisition project available in the Event Reputation: the Breen Rezreth Dreadnought Cruiser. Obtaining this vessel will require the acquisition of 1000x Winter Prize Vouchers (2015), which can be earned daily by completing the “Fastest Game on Ice” mission at Q’s Winter Wonderland. The Tier 6 Breen Rezreth Dreadnought Cruiser is a massive behemoth of a starship that is as versatile as it is durable. However, due to its massive size, it is s…
  • Winderwonderland is again available, and by playing winter events you can earn one of the ships above.Hm - trying to get one at least, depends whether i will have time to play it on a regular basis... Also a few power corrections have been done yesterday. I just hope to better performance and not worst