Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • (Quote from Bourdoulakas)lower right bottom of each post. you need to hover with your mouse over this area, there is a thumbs up - which is a like.
  • Thanks NucNuc, i'll try my best to get the server running stable. Today some players had to bear a lot of restarts - i was trying something here and there. But they were not tired to login again. Thanks for the people who support it and dont get frustrated to login every now and then after i had to restart the server. Meanwhile the server runs stable with the majorities of plugins enabled. Although not all are active. Meanwhile the server runs for more than 4 hours so without any restart. Seems…
  • Ship rolling activated? Have had this in the past and my ship couldnt turn or move either until i deactivated it.Hm havent heard about that the launch icon is deactivated... Eventually something went wrong during installation. But i am not so sure.
  • guys pls. i will anser that when i had time to take a closer look into it. for now just speculations...
  • We will check and let you know.
  • a reinstall is not required. We probably will hand out that in a separated update here or over the launcher. All required files for this are currently on your system if you received the latest updates a few weeks ago.