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  • My condolances

    (Quote) I'm not sure what you mean, iraq, afghanistan, south america and africa are in the news all the time. In fact the G8 summit is aimed at easing african issues.
  • My condolances

    (Quote) Again I don't know what you mean. What is a "3min report"? News stories are published, in print or other media, and then they get used to line the bird cage. Ink doesn't fade faster if the story originates in africa, the online news don't flush african stories off the harddrive faster than european ones. And which president said "hmm well shit happens" about africa? Where is the G8 summit for London?
  • My condolances

    (Quote) I don't know, but how many thousands die in car accidents in first world countries that don't make national news when incidents in africa or the G8 summit (which has recieved a lot of press for a couple days now) are are on the news. That isn't an indication of how much people care. You might as well say that because the US gives billions to africa and no aid to GB that we in the US like africvans better than the British, which may not be true. (Quote) The problem is that people do care…