Search Results

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  • (Quote) Jerra, the first couple of missions in the Single Player (SP) campaign are a little tedious, as you point out. But be patient... things change rapidly when Juni unlocks the rest of the Liberty gates for you. For SP, I prefer the Rhino over the Defender. The Rhino has tougher armor, a larger cargo hold, and 8 guns. However, either ship should be more than adequate. Be sure to use hard-hitting weapons, such as the LavaBlade Plasma Cannons sold on Manhattan. Missiles also work better in CF…
  • (Quote) Jerra, it is hard to know for certain from what you have told us so far, but my guess is that you have missed a couple of important places. By missing them, it lead you through a series of (frustrating) events. As NucNuc said, the key to stopping any ship from fleeing (Xenos or ships that you attempt to pirate) is a Cruise Disruptor. The Wasp Cruise Disruptor is available at many bases that support pirates, including the Junker's bases (such as Rochester). Junkers are pretty neutral, so…
  • (Quote) Again, Jerra, giving us more information about what you want to accomplish would help us to give you better answers. From re-reading all of your messages, I assume that you figured out where to buy new CF ships and how to raise as much money as you want very quickly. Is that correct? More recently, it sounds as though the Zoners are angry with you and you want to make them friendly by killing Xenos? EDIT: If so, then remember that the rep system is slightly tweaked in Crossfire. I don't…
  • (Quote) Yes, that is normal. When you activate Crossfire in FLMM, you have the choice of installing for Single Player (storyline) or Open Single Player (OSP). OSP skips the storyline missions. It allows you to explore the Freelancer universe without having to complete the missions. If you want to fly the storyline missions, then you will have to reinstall Crossfire and select the Storyline setting.