Search Results

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  • (Quote) Yes. Adding cut scenes and dialog has been difficult for Freelancer modders, which is why most other mods do not attempt to advance the vanilla Freelancer story line. Crossfire is different -- the addition of "Quests" extends the story line without cut scenes. AFAIK, Crossfire is unique (as of this date) in the innovation of Quests. Quests are a combination of News, Rumors, Secret Storage Containers, Black Boxes, Neuro-Net "Info" (F9) infocards, and other Freelancer objects that offer c…
  • (Quote) I see that you found the Freelancer Spoiler Forum A "spoiler" is a complete answer to a puzzle in an adventure game. It is called a spoiler because it can spoil (or ruin) your fun, since figuring out the solution to the puzzle is an important part of the game. Most players only look for a spoiler when they have already tried everything that they can think of. Even then, they usually want a hint before getting the final solution. People ask for hints here but, if you want the full soluti…
  • (Quote) EDIT: If you are suggesting that I put my response about Quests into a wiki, then, sure, I would be happy to! Just point me to the right place, and I will post it. Or, if you want to post it, that's fine, too. Otherwise, I do not understand what you are asking. Sorry! A) To which person (or topic) are you replying? 2) What are you trying to say? If you are asking whether a wiki would be helpful, then, yes, it would. If you are referring to the Crossfire Database, then it is out of date,…
  • (Quote) Hint #1: Maxbur told you "Utopia" Hint #2: Maxbur is correct. Hint #3: Maxbur was also correct the second time that he answered your question. Do you see a pattern here? Sorry... just kidding. I could not resist. Hint #4: You may want to go to Altair before you go to Utopia. It is not a requirement, but you may want some of the equipment that you can pirate from the Dom Kavash in Altair. (Quote) What do you do for the Sol Quest? You follow the clues. You already have coordinates... what…
  • (Quote) It is an adventure game, Hellraiser. Go explore. If you are afraid to try something, then save your game and try it anyway. If you do not like the results, then restore your saved game. Hint #1: Your ship will only be destroyed if you let some gang of enemies destroy it. Certainly no single enemy (NPC) could destroy your ship, could they? Hint #2: Don't let enemies destroy your ship. Hint #3: Some human weapons are pretty good. PPCs (Sol) and Coalition Gatling guns (Coalition Bases) are…
  • (Quote) Thank you for the invitation. I may do it sometime. However, my lifestyle is not conducive to MP. I play when I can, often at odd hours, live in a different time zone from many of the regulars, have a longish ping time, and frequently pause the game to answer the phone or IM or email or some other interrupt. All of those factors are problems for MP. I may still join in sometime; perhaps for an event. But MP is best for people who can do it consistently at semi-consistent times (as with …