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  • I honestly don't understand all these Disco servers. Everyone knows the main one is the one to go to. It's always got players on, if you don't like RP though, then you're stuffed. So all these other ones opened up, relaxed this, relaxed that, and what happens? Nobody uses them. Yes it's sad a server is closing, but no surprise at all as there are way too many Disco servers basically offering the same thing. The other factor is the overall player base which is sadly dwindling. Even on here, the …
  • Which raises an interesting point, RP. Freelancer was always about do your own thing, do what you want, it's the core thinking behind the games development. So here we are nearly ten years later and the most populated server is the one with the most restrictive RP you can imagine. Is this what players really want? I personally can't stand RP, goes against everything FL and myself stand for, but that's just my opinion sadly. It's an element that players nevertheless ask about and in all honesty,…
  • Couldn't agree more. The big worry is that once some of the more competent modders give up and move on, who will replace them? I've seen a few recent efforts from new guys trying to woo us with their wares and imho at least, not up to scratch. I can't moan too much as we all had to start somewhere. The problem is we started when it was popular so picked up a lot of info as there were lots of us doing it. Now there are so few people left, who do you ask, where do you turn? People will just get fr…
  • Never going to happen sadly. The whole point of modding something is to make it how you like it, and there lies the problem. We all see things differently. OP has his Crossfire universe, i have my mods and how i like to see things, Disco has it's way of looking at things, the new Star Wars mod is another example. Not to mention all the other guys working on their own projects. This is also a good thing as some mods will have features where we go, 'crap, wish i'd thought of that' and so on. To tr…
  • Just a another thought on doing a community project. I agree with most of the points mentioned that the Freelancer community was never the same after Lancer Reactor folded. I won't go into details as i was actually an admin on there at the time but it closed and looking back, with how things were at the time, i'm glad it did. Since that time, the rest of the community, myself included, headed off to our own forums and communities and sat there. Most of us are still sitting there. You look at th…
  • @ Gunny There are a few who have tried, Plasmafire springs to mind. Most of us have attempted some form of graphical upgrade, be it interface colours, new buttons and so on. With regard to planets i think Op has changed most of them. From my side i've had a go at least. I concentrated on the ships, and systems in general, asteroids etc, changed the textures on all of those or somehow updated them. If you mean a totally new interface design, then no, not many have tried that for sure. With the n…