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  • Hello, impressive mod youve made. Im playing SP until I can get rid of my [E12]. First time Ive played Freelancer since it was released and its D great to be back. I can handle the pirates pretty well (just wear down their nanos and shields) but Ive got to the satellite mission and Im painfully and brutally murdered by the Liberty Navy. Me, Juni and King, who make no noticeable impact, against 6 bogies. The best Ive done is killed 3 before Im dead. Is there anything I can type in the console to…
  • (Quote) Thanks for the advice but it didnt work. Are you sure you spelt it right? I tried one last time and won. Ive finished the rest of it now. No joke; that little skirmish is 10 times harder than any of the other battles. (I didnt type that really =])