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  • Question is, what is meant by "offline mode" and how often (Quote from Gibbon)is necessary to play SP. IF it is like CF, where you CAN accept the recommended updating - but don't have to, to have a still playable game on your harddrive... FINE but if you have to do and would be unable to play without or even have to stay online for playing SP - That I would call an issue, 'cause it would be a break of promise made in the beginning of the kickstarter campaign. Esp. the last point mentioned by Ma…
  • Since there is sooo much other sweetness coming against you this small bitter pill is - for me - easyly swallowd.
  • (Quote from Martind Forlon) not sure about that. As far as I understood the newsletter #49, they're not going to scrap SP completly ...a kind of SP mode is still mentioned there.I haven't followed all the discussion. IMO (Quote from Gibbon)has to be defined yet : ALWAYS online for playing at allor onlyEverytime you play ONCE online - for "updates"
  • Had a "quick look" . into one of the less lenghty threads about this and as it looks like the actual state is - unfortunatly - that there will be only an online SP-mode. IMO rather useless at all with such a vast universe at hand, maybe only interesting regarding specific ..."central systems" of interest. And the main reason for this upset is not the ability to play SP, but to play OFF-LINE at all, ...reservations about connection abilities, about possible server shut-down at some point in the …
  • Well, I wouldn't call that a true answer, especially after he didn't answered even ONE of the many well educated technical questions in the "question-to-the-developer-hour" today. And the statement, that the implementation of an offline-mode would cost more money and esp. time sounds like a cheap excuse to me to meet the sighted date of launch.He even doesn't say it is not possible. But questions about a - possible later release were just ignored by him on the forum taday. It is a break of a pr…
  • Found THIS SITE on the Frontier forums, a collection of official statements by Frontier about pulling the off-line version. The most often answer to almost everything : "This isn't the choice we wanted to make, but one we had to. " In dozens of iteration all over the forums there - mostly without any further comment with content. IF, they deign to give - at least some explanation on the technical "WHY" : "The problem is that the galaxy mechanics all sit on the online servers. The data set and p…
  • ATM especially the kickstarter backers don't get anything but a computer-generated letter pointing them to some interpretable phrases in the small-written. Don't get me wrong, I - also- keep on supporting it and I'm not in with a request for refund.Even though dissapointed.
  • @OPThis would implicate an outright fraud right from the beginning....
  • I'm pretty sure 99% of the people that actally funded the game - made it possible at all - have constant, well working internet connections. But not always and anywhere they go, where they want to play also. But the connectivity is only one IMO lesser part of concern for most of the ppl lamenting about the offline-mode pull.It is security from server shut down.There's a myraid of reasons why this can happen despite all the "good-will" of frontier. There are - unfortunatly - enough eyamples for.…