Search Results

Search results 1-11 of 11.

  • I'd just like to say, a damn good job OP, Huor and everyone else working on the mod... I've been flying around lately and have hardly recognized the old systems - I feel like a total newbie... Quick question - I've been exploring the Wiki a bit and I've found that system screenshots are outdated / incomplete... Would it be possible to tweak a single character server side to have everything explored just to capture system screenshots? I know it's kinda cheaty in nature, but on a separate account…
  • @Michael - I don't know how to actually make everything explored in singleplayer savegame... Maybe OP or Huor could help with that? I suppose it would be a better method to do it this way (avoid server issues, if there are any). For the HTML5 thingy, that is just an idea, but for the source it would be probably better to actually parse the code from source CF files on systems... This is just a thought, dunno. @Forlon - I'm currently playing at 1336 × 768, 32 bit color, Sweet FX shader setting. …
  • Yeah, I agree, Forlon. I have a few systems that I consider completely explored, but I'd still like that all-explored savegame (especially because of Altair, Canis and Inner Core), with all the nebulas, wrecks, solars, etc. I'll try to make some test screenshots later today.
  • Cool. How can we make that happen? Also, can I apply to the Wiki team or do I post somewhere and let someone else sort the input?
  • @SWAT_OP-R8R - can you help with the all-explored-savegame? (I seem to recall that IONCROSS editor being able to do something like that in vanilla, but that was ages ago, when I added a friggin' Cylon raider into vanilla. That was awesome. )
  • Hm, my GR char is scheduled for deletion as soon as I transfer the equipment off it, since I'm no longer DP's GR... Could you make it on mine until the Wiki is done? Then I'll remove it all together. Or even better, I make a temp starflier GR on a new ID for that specific purpose (and get rid of my old GR char like planned). I made a starflier... [GR]Mapper on a separate account.
  • Nice! I'll reinstall CF to get classic UI and get to mappin'...
  • Damn, the entire point of this was to update the Wiki, because it's outdated and I like cataloging things... We don't have to do it. I mean, I don't have to do it, but it should be done. But whatever, anyway you want. I can share the account info to the GR collective if you want, it's no biggie.
  • We'll coordinate. Didn't have time to reinstall yesterday, but I should be able to do that today and have some first screenshots.
  • I do. I have to reinstall to get the classic Freelancer UI, which Forlon and I agreed was better for the screenshots for the Wiki.
  • CF reinstalled... I rolled out the Mapper char, but no map other than New York's default setting was available... Oh well... Also, Forlon, the trick with the Alt-Tab on classic interface really works - the map gets huge, thanks