Search Results

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  • Hey everyone, looks like Im holding the event tomorrow. I hope to see alot of people there, the time is 21:30 GMT to recap, its 30minutes later since Im in USA and I only get home at 21:00. I hope this doesnt cause any problems, and If it does, please PM me, Ill take any criticism, constructive or not, and try to use it to make events better! Oraxis
  • Hey Everyone, the event was a smashing success in my opinion, and I hope everyone else felt the same. Hunters were [SFP]Mr.Focks, [SFP]SpyInBlack, [SFP]The_Scribbler, SMG_Picard, Vic, Melon@Night, and BG_Spiky. Mr. Focks, SpyInBlack, and Melon@Night were not able to stay on for the entire event, but I personally thank them for coming. Smugglers were Bethany and |PX|Kermit. Bethany died in Leeds while Kermit died sometime later in Kyushu. Both kills were made by BG_Spiky. Bethany reached New Lon…
  • Excuse me for butting in, but isnt this argument just serving to cause problems? please take it private so the forums dont turn into a flame fest... Please excuse my interjecting, but this might be better served in a different forum (not internet forum, forum forum). Oraxis
  • I understand that, but perhaps a different forum next time OP doesnt like us fighting while hes working so hard to make this mod a reality Oraxis
  • Doom, I appologize if it seemed that I was replacing you. Im just trying to get events running each day (if no EM is on to run that event). As far as im concerned your still incharge of smuggler hunt, I just took up that day since no one was available to run that event. Oraxis