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  • (Quote from SA_SEQAN)What ? you don't know that 50'000 was orginally an odd number ? it's because there were two 49'999 (twins) and two 50'001 in the great birth of numbers, so you should count 2 times 49'999 making 50'000 and odd number at that moment and everythign was balanced with the 2 50'001s.... Some theorists suggested that methematicians hid one of the each twin numbers at an early age to avoid screwing the whole math science.... they were both divided by zero (executed) to save the li…
  • WTF Husker you messed it up with your 1990 !!!! 1989 @Seq : look at hagar's and master's posts.... 1987 is also a twin number.... look i know it sounds crazy, but i tell you : THEY EXIST !!!