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  • That is an interesting change OP and a bit more realistic, since it is unwise too use them up so fast like they do. Of course NPCs aren't normally dodging as good as a player can. I really don't understand what POV you have on it being too difficult, surely it isn't money, so what is it? Also I would recommend that you would skip Open SP if your going too play MP. It will save you some time and since your not doing the campaign anyway then there won't be much of a difference. Also when on the s…
  • I agree on the rhino for the early missions, when I first played FL SP I went the entire way with freighters lol now that was a nice challenge. EXPLORE EXPLORE explore One of the most important parts in my opinion is exploring. Also if you having a trouble doing missions for money in a fighter, if you can find a trading ship... Also what 1m trading ship? I have too doubt you really looked around all too much. Slow yourself down and explore. Cya in space, when you come too MP!