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  • Trivial Knowledge

    Banging head against wall burns 150 calorie per hour,alternatively,you can walk your dog for 45 minutes which burns 150 cal as well!
  • Trivial Knowledge

    The scientific term for brain freeze is “sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia”. & If you point your car keys to your head, it increases the remote’s signal range. This works by using your brain to act as a radio transmitter.
  • Trivial Knowledge

    Hunting unicorns is legal in Michigan! Lake Superior State University in Michigan offers a unicorn hunting license! "Chief herald of the Unicorn Hunters” was once quoted saying: “The pursuit of the unicorn is a lonely quest.” Wish them nothing but good luck!
  • Trivial Knowledge

    In Switzerland it is illegal to own just one Guinea PIG!!This is because they are social,so they considered victims of abuse if they are alone.
  • Trivial Knowledge

    Well mate,that was ur fault!You should have performed a compatibility test,If after like 20 minutes together they aren’t showing any signs of getting along(they keep hissing and making noises)then you’re probably need to find a new roommate for your chosen one!Anyway,it’s recommended that you keep two of the same gender,(or desexed,spayed or neutered male&female )if you don't want a lot of pig babies! Your brain automatically translates WTF but not LOL!!
  • Trivial Knowledge

    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (tech name 4 the"fear of long words") from words like pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis or pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
  • Trivial Knowledge

    There are few activities in life that utilizes the entire brain, and music is one of them,at least...some.
  • Trivial Knowledge

    7% of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. (7% doesn’t sound like a lot, but that actually works out at 16.4 million American adults.)
  • Trivial Knowledge

    We probably consumed dinosaur waste! Anything you’re drinking today has been around for millions of years, recycled repeatedly through precipitation and, yes, evacuation. This means that in every glass of water you drink, there is a lot of water which has already passed through a dinosaur and come out the other end.
  • Trivial Knowledge

    Well,maybe so,but not every single day's! I know someone who doesn't talk for day's (with me)
  • Trivial Knowledge

    It's illegal to fly your UFO over France..... however muricans have some interesting law's as well! In Chicago USA 4 instance.. it’s against the law to take a nap on a dance floor, give a dog whiskey, or eat in a building that’s on fire.
  • Trivial Knowledge
