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  • (Quote) LOL i definitely know that personally but with some persistence i got the RAGNAROCK witch is usually impossible cuz the base regenerates its shield in a split second and surrounded by a nomad fleet lol nothing is unbeatable. but i got it, its cool indeed i just hope that the old saves work in 1.8 damm i did it again... forgot second and in the campaign, id recommend you be careful of corsirsiv been in a battle with on for more than 20 minutes!i think that was CF
  • ATM im playing flak88 for some serious AI training! man you think CF hard try that lolthe first battle completely stunned me to the point i had a mind laps its a great training aid i think hay OP um just asking, will CF have the battledust effect like in Flak88? cuz it makes battles more dynamic
  • i like the wingmen idea;) cuz you have a buddy by your side that guards your rear, would be usefulin the domkavosh area, but it can make the game to easy as some AI's can be the dominantplayer and kick some serious ass, LOL it can be very entertaining to watch though my idea of an AI wingmen, is in some systems where its really hard that some wingmen will join you as an escort and help you in that system, you get the idea:P if this was incorporated into a mod,i think it would be quite fun, not t…
  • Tip: the light fighter is almost impossible from a distance, try to close the gap and try to staybehind it as close as possible (Best time to shoot) there may be better was though but its how i deal with them:D EDIT: LOL surprisingly i like that AI, its fun trying to stay onits tail