Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • 'Tis a real shame that you lot here are immature enough to bag out a site that has provided you so much in the for SWAT Portal, the theme is ugly, and i could probably bet money on the fact that most of the content here is some way connected to Lancers Reactor. SWAT as for taking a backup of the TLR Site, from what it seems the only reason you joined TLR Staff is because you needed the fuel for the SWAT Portal, and you couldn't be bothered to get it yourself, so you 'lifted' it from La…
  • @Damian. "His Place?". There my friend you are sadly mistaken. Louva-Deus is NOT the owner of TLR. He is an Admin, like myself. Hexebelle. (Quote) And if Lancer's Reactor wasn't to have existed in the past, i would highly doubt that SWAT would have the resources it does today, let alone OP openly admitting he has a backup copy of the TLR site.... So, you put one and one together and what do you get? Calling the portal's theme 'ugly' was my opinion, and it will stand until its changed. I don't w…
  • I am not seeking a flame war Miz, i am merely speaking the truth, and whether or not you choose to accept it..well, thats entirely up to you.
  • (Quote) Uh mm...forgive me for stating that we have backups of our own databases, Utilities and submitted content. Therefore out ruling the need to use the SWAT portal.
  • --=SWAT Portal=-- 'Your Portal to the Galaxy' Lol. Think of a more 'origional' tag line...i recall TLR's tagline is 'Your Guide to the Galaxy'.......
  • (Quote) But then you would be lying