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  • RA Update

    SSSSOOOOO Here's where we are at Some of you know my Laptop took a crap about 2 month ago and while i have the funds to purchase a new system, my financial priorites are focused on a vehicle, which is pretty important to have in todays workforce. You all have no idea how much i miss playing with you guys Our Base is Finished in Omicron Gamma. Big thanks to Thanrui and Mercenaro for their help (and lack of a social life) I have no idea when i'm going to be getting a new computer, let alone if i'…
  • As Cantana Focks is Arriving to Omicron Gamma. For Inquiries in Joining The Republic Alliance, Please message me In-game or on the forums for Information on Joining RA. About The Republic Alliance:We are a Pirate RP. A major focus into RP. I'm planning to Make Crossfire Great Again by engaging in in-depth roleplay as Cantana Focks. Follow "the Silver Tongued Devil" to gain an understanding of the type of character i'm going to play as. Alternate Personas are encouraged. We move anything...for a…
  • I'll look into it. Language is a huge barriar
  • Well Smuggling is a hard sell to new players. A lot of people see them as "just traders" but they're so much more than that. Frankly, I think they're the most important RP on the whole server. Its just tough to get people to see that. With server population where it's at, well...there is not much room to have fun as a smuggler especially if there is no one to chase you However, i just don't see server population regaining what it was way back in the day (CF1.7 era). Getting people to play an ol…
  • Join the Republic Alliance: Riches and power await! So It's True. We're Pirates. But not just that. We Know how to use our minds to get whatever loot we want. It so happens our guns can cash the checks we write. We've got the backing of the two most powerful organizations in the galaxy, Focks Industries being one of them. Our mighty Starforge keeps our home system Omicron Gamma safe with the most effective production facilities in Sirius. Our commercial and underground supply network provides l…