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  • (Quote) Then OP you/we have a problem. You have created a great mod that brought in many new people to swat that have their first affiliation to the CF mod and not swat. It is what bring most people to the forum. Now I understand better what you are thinking. You had a plan for SWAT but sadly it not what happened. On one side you have a community that want to go in on direction, that is devoted to the CF mod and on the other a leader that want to create a gaming and modding community. What ever…
  • Ho, I was part of the 1.8 modding in a very small part. Truly, most of the work is from OP's hands. All I did was testing for OP on a bug I had found in 1.7 so that it could be corrected in 1.8. Has for your suggestion of OP handing off CF to the community, it's a final option but for it to work the CF community has to come together like it never did before. It is a hard thing to do.