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  • Hello all, I'm fairly new to this mod and playing through the open singleplayer, however, upon entering the Sol system, the ship is buffeted around by what seems like heavy turbulance, and every other in-system jumpgate (why not tradelanes???) causes a BSOD . Can anyone help with this?, I did a forum search and found nothing. Cheers,Skeem
  • Disabling 3d sound made no difference... yes a BSOD! It was a completly fresh install.Updates from servers?.. is there any way to aquire these without joining one?, are there any updates that deal with this issue? I haven't come accross any other issues yet by the way, all other systems are working ok, so far.
  • (Quote) I'll check this tonight. Hmm..cf1.7 is what I have, so what could be causing this problem? Weird, it is only Sol with the problem..