Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Damn OP got in there first As I said a few times before, I think we need to simplify and not complicate. I would like to have the roleplay seamless and natural and without artificial barriers. In my limited experience of Crossfire, more rules meanz people argue about them online rather than just play. Especially those who dont have English as a main laguage - which is significant part of this community. However, I will read all the summaries with great interest and try and support them best of …
  • It looking good so far then Despite a few caveats I mention earlier - I be looking forward to my return Respect and many thanks to CFPD mafioso boss - Gunny who has been the main driver of roleplay on this server since I be here. Despite being on the end of his roleplay actions a few times - when he wasnt mad and taking his gloves off - when he was talking back (recent example - his ridiculous license to transport prisoners (HUGE LOL)) it has been lots of fun!! Everyone should know I prefer som…
  • Er - I have never used F1 to evade capture You should know - u did most of the chasing. But yes - the rp developments look cool so far so keep it up young man!!
  • (Quote) I have about 6 VHF chars One in Daed and the others sprinkled around. I will leave a char in the following places (for example) NLNBNTTexCalifLeeds But place them in pirates/junkers related bases. This I think is a good development of my roleplay. I will switch chars to wherever the action is, but only when I am docked. As for the rest - I dont know - The roleplay ideas are developing fast and maybe someone needs to do a summary of what has been proposed and agreed? If I am chasing some…
  • (Quote) And why not? How else you gonna reach them. As long as ur switch point is to a base that is good terms with ur police role I dont see a prob. At this rate the cops and the pirates are never gonna meet in space
  • (Quote) Nah, not for that example cos Tex and Cali quote close. Maybe if you slip me in Calif I may catch u Leeds or NL 1 ship for Liberty adventures1 ship for Rheinland adventures1 ship for Kusari adventures1 ship for Breton adventures Regarding taxing or firing at trains I have only shot down 3 trains in my 4 months now as an LP One a BG, who immediately switched to a VHF to get me :-)Then put a 100mill bounty on meThe other one was a mistakeThe other one a BG who said gf I am not very good a…
  • Wow - reports heading in to all bases are suggesting that all pilot and clans are behaving like, like, like - gulp - let me say it Let me get my courage up Behaving like friends? Wow - let's hope it last for long time. Before long people will start to think we are even a community of people drawn together by a single OPUS of OPs and have now become a group of mates. GULP First person to accuse anyone of lagging or F1 ing gets a serverwide KOS