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  • Quite easy Radu, we don´t know how expensive it will be or which licence will be able to buy it, maybe it´s only selling point is somwhere deep in DK Space in a new DK Station at the End of CF 1.8 or maybe its weight needs a train or or or, you are talking to OP - the one who managed to balance around 190 Ships in CF. You remembered the idea of cloaking fuel not to unbalancing the RP? Don´t worry, he will take care of it
  • proposal: OP, please don´t create anything what will end up all lifes on Earth and the simple being of any mass itself even when CF would be the starting point. Or at least let´s all join TRF before, so we are secure to resurrect somewhere.
  • So if anyone is eager enough to destroy a clans home system where all the Clans Stores are parking... GREAT! May we have a 10 times more expensive anti - singularity bomb aswell? Otherwise we have to organize System Guards - CF would become the most frequented FL Server ever. Where the best possibility could be to nuke X so only some clans would be able to enter their systems Letter from unknown: "Since you taxed me with 1 Mil credits I was nuking your system, kind regards unknown!" I see many …
  • (Quote)Why? If you know that something is able to hit you - imO it would make a realy good additional RP even with the one week not usable option.
  • Called deflation, magnet mentioned this not the first time - and realy it´s a good idea if i remember how much work it was to get the credits for an eagle. Where 100 could be slightly extrem The 10 Mil. for the Shield Upgrade would make you trading for days and hey 100.000 credits for a frag would bankrupt Chars very soon aswell. But you would have to rethink the Price of the bomb, just have a look to the stats of vanilla communities having a lvl 80 Char over there means you are realy rich.
  • I agree, this idea is great, it would make outstanding strategical movements for a faction possible. Serious, just think about a bomb like this is used in ASF/CSF Battles - or from pirates while the Sol or SOS run is on, or from the police aswell. You could just use it as a threat for example.