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  • CF

    Greetings, plese try follow info from next thread: Error in launching the game And before this: Vanila freelancer was working for you? Using original installer? (for freelancer) Which shader are you using for launch crossfire? (please be sure you have for start set "vanilla" shader in mod launcher option)
  • CF

    ok, so direct play is active on your PC? If that above is active on your PC then the last thing which come to my mind is problem with antivirus or windows which prevented proper mod installation. Please look on attached image if the size and count of files is at least similar.
  • CF

    Sorry mate, my knowledge ends here ... not sure, but maybe SWAT_OP-R8R can have some idea(s) how to help with these cases. The worst is that these problems are mostly "local" and depends about user PCs (software mostly). I've put a request for help also into our discord, I hope there may be other with ideas how to help you.
  • CF

    foma Can you please tell more in detail what exactly you did? ... I'm quite sure that no one so far tried do something with that dll. And enjoy CF!
  • CF

    Crossfire + Windows 10 build 1809 please read through thread how to "force" launcher update and chose vanila shader in launcher options.