Search Results

Search results 1-17 of 17.

  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) Because the word magnetic is rather vague, you have 3 type of magnetic effect: diamagneticparamagneticferromagnetic (Some materials, such as mu-metal has the property of having a magnetic permeability) Diamagnetic objects, ie, which magnetize in the opposite direction of the magnetic field in which they are placed. Levitation can be obtained when the magnetic force that applies to the diamagnetic object exactly compensates for the weight of the latter. It requires very …
  • did you know, dark68360 isn't a nerd
  • Two things are endless: the Universe and human stupidity. But as far as the Universe is concerned, I have not yet acquired the absolute certainty! Albert Einstein Was already ready for this thread RDV
  • (Quote from RonaldoDaVinci) I will try to do the double then
  • 20% of the world's population share 80% of the world's wealth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • did you know portal hearth, we know that
  • (Quote from Destructor-Nexus) yes :=) se livrer capituler renoncer à céder abandonner capitulation abandon cession remisese rendreredition
  • seriously ?????? New zeland is strange, future son of dented : idon'tknowwhaticanchoiceforthenameofmynewson!!
  • (Quote from LordRaydenMK) Humm, the atom have an expiry date, be careful not to exceed the deadline Nuclear Reactions The strong interaction maintains the cohesion of the nucleons within the nucleus. It is the most intense of the four fundamental forces of nature (hence its name). It is characterized by the fact that it is strongly attractive at short distance (when the nucleons approach very close to one another), repulsive at "medium" distance, and vanishes at long distances. Since protons ar…
  • NO
  • yes, in one cigarette, your have a lot of toxic product
  • (Quote from DeePSiLVeR11) sand, NO ?
  • On October 29, 2016, a French sharpshooter set the world record for long range shooting with a "Custom" rifle in .408 CheyTac. The shooter managed to put 3 shots into a target at a distance of 4150 m
  • (Quote from Destructor-Nexus) for me it just in one day, for the other, humm 6 years -> atomic bomb , hummm, yes, atomic isn't the best bomb (see hydrogen bomb, better) it can possible, but not for a Hydrogen bomb
  • dark68360 is now master gunnery sergeant
  • 68360 is the Postal code of the city of the famous Dark
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) (Quote from Ajay) (Quote from denne) (Quote from Portalearth) (Quote from LordRaydenMK) (Quote from denne) (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) (Quote from Ajay) (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) (Quote from Michael) are you sure ?