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  • Windows Vista

    Vista is a 64bit edition where XP is a 32.If I am correct, Freelancer is only 16 bit was created before XP came out; so anything played on XP or Vista has to be "backward" compatable.Biggest trick to playing is probably the RAM capacity. But I don't think a 16bit based game is going to put alot of stress on a 32 or 64 bit processor. Even less a super video card.It's usually the background programs that are running at the same time which are causing the issues.(detectors, updaters, anti spyware a…
  • Windows Vista

    If that is true...then I am definately wrong about my dates. My apologies. But, is Freelancer a 16 bit or 32 bit game? I could be wrong about that too then. Anyway...background progams seem to be the culprit in causing lag. (on my pc anyway.)
  • Windows Vista

    I've always wondered what is the usefulness of a dual boot option. What is it for?